Running Mate Corp, herein referred to as the "Data Collector," is engaging in the collection of data for the purpose of conducting background checks. The Data Collector hereby notifies all individuals and entities participating in or providing information for these background checks, herein referred to as "Data Providers," that the Data Collector shall not be held liable for any claims, damages, or losses arising from the collection, storage, and use of data related to background checks.

By participating in or providing information for these background checks, all Data Providers acknowledge and agree to the following:

  1. Data Accuracy:Data Collector makes reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of the data collected; however, the Data Collector does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information obtained.
  2. Data Protection:Data Collector will take reasonable measures to protect the data collected, but it cannot guarantee the security of the data and shall not be liable for any breaches or unauthorized access.
  3. Consent:Data Providers must obtain the necessary consents from individuals whose data is provided for background checks. The Data Collector shall not be responsible for any failure to obtain appropriate consents.
  4. Compliance with Applicable Laws:Data Providers are responsible for ensuring that their participation in or provision of data for background checks complies with all applicable laws and regulations. The Data Collector is not responsible for any non-compliance by Data Providers.
  5. No Warranties:Data Collector provides no warranties, expressed or implied, regarding the results or outcomes of the background checks.

By participating in or providing data for background checks conducted by the Data Collector, all Data Providers agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Data Collector from any claims, losses, or damages that may arise from their involvement in this process.